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Free stock image of Pipelines bringing water from wells created by HAKIM ELGHASSOULI

Pipelines bringing water from wells

The image depicts a group of long metal pipes that are transporting water from a well to another location. The pipes can be seen extending for several meters, towering above the ground in some places and disappearing underground in others. The pipes appear to be in a dry area where desert plants are the main natural landscape. Some scattered rocks and stones can be seen among the pipes and in the surrounding area. The sky is composed of scattered white clouds on the horizon, indicating that the image may have been taken early in the morning or late in the evening. The light is focused on the pipes and rocks, giving the image a clear and sharp appearance. It appears that these pipes are used to bring water to dry areas where water may be limited, and this image serves as a reminder of the importance of water as a vital source for living organisms and plants.

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