Windows: More than Just an Opening in Photography

To most people, a window is just an opening in the wall. Sometimes it’s screened in, other times it has glass panes, and sometimes it’s just a hole in the wall.

But a window is so much more than just an opening in the wall. It lets breeze flow into a house, it brightens a room by allowing light to flood in and chase away the darkness, and in some ways, windows are almost essential to our living and well-being when indoors.

Windows also serve as a great thematic concept in photography. Looking through a window, at the outside world, or seeing into a structure though just a small window, can provide powerful meaning in photos:

Old By Silvia Simonato

window By namik toprakci

window By CannonCat

There’s a world out there By Vito Guarino

Behind the Old Window By Adrian Limani

Benji’s Window By Noni Panayotov

bullies and Dolls By franco maffei

Window By Oleg-Y

Rear Window By Alfon No

Ooooo my neighbor By Vuk Adzic

Window By Marek Czaja

Window By Ivo Cristallo

Mother Son By erkan camlilar

Door and window By Tamás Kiss

Watchin’ Outside By Ciro Galluccio

window By NadyaBird

Expressions By Goran Jovic

Midsummer Evening By Photography By Jonas K

I would like to be out By Vladimir Off Zivancevic – krug

Window By Victoria Hellner

Window By NostalgiaPhotos

New years day By Stig Hammarsten


Ann By Evgeny Kuznetsov

Window By Dragan Todorovic

Dreams By Osher Partovi

Beautiful window By Aubélia Vanneste

after school By Igal Pronin

Window By Rainer Leiss

Taking a rest !!!!! By Rosetta N M
